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For your Heating and Cooling needs

smart home adjusting the thermostat from outside

At Campbell's TempraCure we understand the possible confusion some customers have experienced in regards to given tax credits, manufacturer and company, such as Nicor Gas rebates. So to provide this information in an unbiased format we will continue to update this information through links to government and industry sources.

Federal Tax Credit Information

Please note, not all ENERGY STAR qualified products qualify for a tax credit. ENERGY STAR distinguishes energy efficient products which, although they may cost more to purchase than standard models, will pay you back in lower energy bills within a reasonable amount of time, without a tax credit.

Nicor Gas Rebates

The Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Program is designed to offer ideas and tools to help Illinois residents and businesses in Nicor's territory save energy and money. The Program provides Nicor Gas customers with energy education, resources and financial rebates to make energy use in your home more efficient and affordable.

Lennox Industries Rebates

Rebates plus tax credits plus financing and utility incentives equals the ideal time to invest in a new high-efficiency home comfort system from Lennox. Add to that money saved each month in the form of lower utility bills, and you have the perfect solution for staying cool this spring and summer—and for many seasons to come.

Heil Rebates

All Heil furnaces, air conditioners and heat pumps currently meet or exceed DOE minimum efficiency standards. In fact, Heil has a complete lineup of ultra-high efficiency products that exceed the minimum efficiency standards of the EPA's Energy Star Program. Heil has a number of ultra-high efficiency products* offering some of the highest efficiencies available today!

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